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Mezzanine::UI::VerticalScrollbar Class Reference

This is a scrollbar class aligned on the Y axis. More...

#include <verticalscrollbar.h>

+ Inheritance diagram for Mezzanine::UI::VerticalScrollbar:
+ Collaboration diagram for Mezzanine::UI::VerticalScrollbar:

Public Member Functions

virtual void _NotifyContainerUpdated ()
 Notifies this provider that the container it is providing page data to has been updated. More...
virtual Real GetCurrentXPage () const
 Gets the current page position on the X axis. More...
virtual Real GetCurrentYPage () const
 Gets the current page position on the Y axis. More...
virtual Real GetMaxXPages () const
 Gets the maximum number of pages supported on the X axis. More...
virtual Real GetMaxYPages () const
 Gets the maximum number of pages supported on the Y axis. More...
virtual Real GetScrollerSize () const
virtual Real GetScrollerValue () const
virtual const StringGetTypeName () const
 Gets the type of widget this is. More...
virtual void ProtoDeSerializeChildQuads (const XML::Node &SelfRoot)
 Take the data stored in an XML Node and overwrite the ChildQuads of this object with it. More...
virtual void ProtoSerializeChildQuads (XML::Node &SelfRoot) const
 Convert the child quads of this class to an XML::Node ready for serialization. More...
virtual void SetScrollerSize (const Real &Size)
virtual void SetScrollerValue (const Real &Value)
virtual void UpdateDimensions (const Rect &OldSelfRect, const Rect &NewSelfRect)
 Updates the dimensions of this QuadRenderable based on the transform of it's parent. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from Mezzanine::UI::Scrollbar
virtual void _NotifyEvent (const EventArguments &Args)
 Notifies this subscriber of an event being fired. More...
virtual void _OnScrollValueChanged (const Real OldValue, const Real NewValue)
 Self logic to be executed when this scrollbar changes it's scrollvalue is. More...
virtual ButtonGetDownRightButton () const
 Gets the DownRight button within this widget, if it was initialized. More...
virtual Real GetIncrementDistance () const
 Gets the relative distance the scroller will move on a button press. More...
virtual ButtonGetScrollBack () const
 Gets the Scroller background within this widget. More...
virtual ButtonGetScroller () const
 Gets the Scroller button within this widget. More...
virtual ButtonGetUpLeftButton () const
 Gets the UpLeft button within this widget, if it was initialized. More...
virtual void ProtoDeSerializeProperties (const XML::Node &SelfRoot)
 Take the data stored in an XML Node and overwrite the properties of this object with it. More...
virtual void ProtoSerializeProperties (XML::Node &SelfRoot) const
 Convert the properties of this class to an XML::Node ready for serialization. More...
virtual void SetIncrementDistance (const Real &IncDist)
 Sets the relative distance the scroller will move when the up/left or down/right buttons are pressed. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from Mezzanine::UI::PageProvider
virtual void _SetContainer (PagedContainer *ToUpdate)
 Sets the container that is using this provider to update which renderables are visible. More...
virtual void ProtoDeSerializePageData (const XML::Node &SelfRoot)
 Take the data stored in an XML Node and overwrite the PageProvider data of this object with it. More...
virtual void ProtoSerializePageData (XML::Node &SelfRoot) const
 Convert the PageProvider data of this class to an XML::Node ready for serialization. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from Mezzanine::UI::Widget
virtual bool _HandleInput (const Input::MetaCode &Code)
 Handles input passed to this widget. More...
virtual void _OnFocusGained ()
 Self logic to be executed when focus is given to this widget. More...
virtual void _OnFocusLocked ()
 Self logic to be executed when focus is locked to this widget. More...
virtual void _OnFocusLost ()
 Self logic to be executed when focus is removed from this widget. More...
virtual void _OnFocusUnlocked ()
 Self logic to be executed when focus is no longer locked to this widget. More...
virtual void _OnMouseDragEnd ()
 Self logic to be executed when the mouse cursor stops dragging across the bounds of this widget. More...
virtual void _OnMouseDragging ()
 Self logic to be executed when the mouse cursor is dragging across the bounds of this widget. More...
virtual void _OnMouseDragStart ()
 Self logic to be executed when the mouse cursor starts dragging across the bounds of this widget. More...
virtual void _OnMouseEnter ()
 Self logic to be executed when the mouse cursor enters the bounds of this widget. More...
virtual void _OnMouseExit ()
 Self logic to be executed when the mouse cursor leaves the bounds of thiw widget. More...
virtual void _OnVisibilityHidden ()
 Self logic to be executed when this widget becomes invisible.
virtual void _OnVisibilityShown ()
 Self logic to be executed when this widget becomes visible.
virtual void BindGroupToState (const UInt32 BindState, RenderLayerGroup *ToBind)
 Binds a RenderLayerGroup to a WidgetState. More...
WidgetGetBottomMostHoveredWidget ()
 Gets a pointer to the Widget at the bottom of the hovered SubWidget chain. More...
virtual String GetDerivedSerializableName () const
 Gets the most derived serializable name of this Renderable. More...
virtual RenderLayerGroupGetGroupBoundToState (const UInt32 BindState) const
 Gets the current RenderLayerGroup bound to a specified WidgetState. More...
WidgetGetHoveredSubWidget () const
 Gets the hovered sub-widget within this widget, if any. More...
RenderableType GetRenderableType () const
 Gets the type of renderable this is. More...
virtual Boolean GetVisible () const
 Gets the visibility setting of this renderable. More...
virtual Boolean HasFocus () const
 Gets whether or not this widget currently has focus. More...
virtual void Hide ()
 Forces this renderable to hide. More...
virtual Boolean IsBeingDragged () const
 Gets whether or not this widget is being dragged. More...
virtual Boolean IsHovered () const
 Gets the result of the last mouse hover check. More...
virtual Boolean IsVisible () const
 Gets whether or not this renderable is being drawn. More...
virtual void ProtoDeSerializeEvents (const XML::Node &SelfRoot)
 Take the data stored in an XML Node and overwrite the Events of this object with it. More...
virtual void ProtoDeSerializeStateGroupBindings (const XML::Node &SelfRoot)
 Take the data stored in an XML Node and overwrite the state-group bindings of this object with it. More...
virtual void ProtoSerializeEvents (XML::Node &SelfRoot) const
 Convert the Events of this class to an XML::Node ready for serialization. More...
virtual void ProtoSerializeStateGroupBindings (XML::Node &SelfRoot) const
 Convert the state-group bindings of this class to an XML::Node ready for serialization. More...
virtual bool SetGroupFromState (const UInt32 BindState)
 Sets the group bound to the specified WidgetState as active. More...
virtual void SetVisible (Boolean CanSee)
virtual void Show ()
 Forces this renderable to be shown. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from Mezzanine::UI::QuadRenderable
virtual void _AppendRenderData (ScreenRenderData &RenderData)
 Appends the vertices of this renderable to another vector. More...
virtual void _AppendRenderDataCascading (ScreenRenderData &RenderData)
 Appends the vertices of this renderable to another vector, and then does the same for this renderable's children. More...
virtual Boolean _HasAvailableRenderData () const
 Checks if there are available render data from this QuadRenderable (or it's subrenderables). More...
virtual void _MarkAllChildrenDirty ()
 Tells this QuadRenderable to mark each of it's children (and their children) as dirty. More...
virtual void _MarkAllLayersDirty ()
 Tells this QuadRenderable that all of it's layers are dirty. More...
virtual void _MarkDirty ()
 Marks this renderable as dirty, and informs other renderables if needed. More...
virtual void _NotifyParenthood (QuadRenderable *NewParent)
 Notifies this QuadRenderable that it has been added to another QuadRenderable. More...
virtual void _SetZOrder (const UInt16 &Zorder)
 Ssts the ZOrder value for this renderable. More...
virtual void AddChild (Widget *Child)
 Adds a Widget to this as a child of this quad. More...
virtual void AddChild (Widget *Child, const UInt16 ZOrder)
 Adds a Widget to this as a child of this quad. More...
void AddLayerToGroup (RenderLayer *Layer, const UInt16 ZOrder, const String &GroupName)
 Adds a RenderLayer to the specified group. More...
void AddLayerToGroups (RenderLayer *Layer, const GroupOrderEntryVector &Entrys)
 Adds a RenderLayer to multiple groups. More...
virtual Boolean CheckOverlap (const QuadRenderable *Quad) const
 Checks to see if another Quad is overlapping with this one. More...
ChildIterator ChildrenBegin ()
 Gets an iterator to the first child Widget. More...
ConstChildIterator ChildrenBegin () const
 Gets a const iterator to the first child Widget. More...
ChildIterator ChildrenEnd ()
 Gets an iterator to one passed the last child Widget. More...
ConstChildIterator ChildrenEnd () const
 Gets an iterator to one passed the last child Widget. More...
ImageLayerCreateImageLayer ()
 Creates an ImageLayer for this renderable. More...
ImageLayerCreateImageLayer (const UInt16 ZOrder, const String &GroupName)
 Creates an ImageLayer for this renderable and adds it to a RenderLayerGroup. More...
ImageLayerCreateImageLayer (const GroupOrderEntryVector &Entrys)
 Creates an ImageLayer for this renderable and adds it to all the specified RenderLayerGroups at the provided ZOrders. More...
MultiLineTextLayerCreateMultiLineTextLayer ()
 Creats a MultiLineTextLayer for this renderable. More...
MultiLineTextLayerCreateMultiLineTextLayer (const UInt16 ZOrder, const String &GroupName)
 Creats a MultiLineTextLayer for this renderable. More...
MultiLineTextLayerCreateMultiLineTextLayer (const GroupOrderEntryVector &Entrys)
 Creates a MultiLineTextLayer for this renderable and adds it to all the specified RenderLayerGroups at the provided ZOrders. More...
MultiLineTextLayerCreateMultiLineTextLayer (const String &FontName)
 Creats a MultiLineTextLayer for this renderable. More...
MultiLineTextLayerCreateMultiLineTextLayer (const String &FontName, const UInt16 ZOrder, const String &GroupName)
 Creats a MultiLineTextLayer for this renderable. More...
MultiLineTextLayerCreateMultiLineTextLayer (const String &FontName, const GroupOrderEntryVector &Entrys)
 Creates a MultiLineTextLayer for this renderable and adds it to all the specified RenderLayerGroups at the provided ZOrders. More...
MultiLineTextLayerCreateMultiLineTextLayer (const Real &LineHeight)
 Creats a MultiLineTextLayer for this renderable. More...
MultiLineTextLayerCreateMultiLineTextLayer (const Real &LineHeight, const UInt16 ZOrder, const String &GroupName)
 Creats a MultiLineTextLayer for this renderable. More...
MultiLineTextLayerCreateMultiLineTextLayer (const Real &LineHeight, const GroupOrderEntryVector &Entrys)
 Creates a MultiLineTextLayer for this renderable and adds it to all the specified RenderLayerGroups at the provided ZOrders. More...
RenderLayerGroupCreateOrRetrieveRenderLayerGroup (const String &Name)
 Gets the named RenderLayerGroup or creates one with the specified name if it does not exist. More...
RenderLayerGroupCreateRenderLayerGroup (const String &Name)
 Creates a new RenderLayerGroup that can have.

Thisfunction will throw an exception if a group already exists with the provided name.
SingleLineTextLayerCreateSingleLineTextLayer ()
 Creats a SingleLineTextLayer for this renderable. More...
SingleLineTextLayerCreateSingleLineTextLayer (const UInt16 ZOrder, const String &GroupName)
 Creats a SingleLineTextLayer for this renderable. More...
SingleLineTextLayerCreateSingleLineTextLayer (const GroupOrderEntryVector &Entrys)
 Creates a SingleLineTextLayer for this renderable and adds it to all the specified RenderLayerGroups at the provided ZOrders. More...
SingleLineTextLayerCreateSingleLineTextLayer (const String &FontName)
 Creats a SingleLineTextLayer for this renderable. More...
SingleLineTextLayerCreateSingleLineTextLayer (const String &FontName, const UInt16 ZOrder, const String &GroupName)
 Creats a SingleLineTextLayer for this renderable. More...
SingleLineTextLayerCreateSingleLineTextLayer (const String &FontName, const GroupOrderEntryVector &Entrys)
 Creates a SingleLineTextLayer for this renderable and adds it to all the specified RenderLayerGroups at the provided ZOrders. More...
SingleLineTextLayerCreateSingleLineTextLayer (const Real &LineHeight)
 Creats a SingleLineTextLayer for this renderable. More...
SingleLineTextLayerCreateSingleLineTextLayer (const Real &LineHeight, const UInt16 ZOrder, const String &GroupName)
 Creats a SingleLineTextLayer for this renderable. More...
SingleLineTextLayerCreateSingleLineTextLayer (const Real &LineHeight, const GroupOrderEntryVector &Entrys)
 Creates a SingleLineTextLayer for this renderable and adds it to all the specified RenderLayerGroups at the provided ZOrders. More...
void DestroyAllRenderLayerGroups ()
 Destroy's all RenderLayerGroups being stored/managed by this QuadRenderable.
void DestroyAllRenderLayers ()
 Destroys all RenderLayers being stored by this renderable.
void DestroyRenderLayer (RenderLayer *ToBeDestroyed)
 Destroys a RenderLayer being stored by this renderable. More...
void DestroyRenderLayerGroup (const String &Name)
 Destroy's a RenderLayerGroup by name. More...
void DestroyRenderLayerGroup (RenderLayerGroup *ToBeDestroyed)
 Destroy's a RenderLayerGroup by pointer. More...
RenderLayerGroupGetActiveGroup () const
 Gets the current RenderLayerGroup used for rendering. More...
virtual Vector2 GetActualPosition () const
 Gets the pixel position of this widget. More...
virtual Vector2 GetActualSize () const
 Gets the pixel size of this widget. More...
virtual WidgetGetChild (const UInt16 Zorder) const
 Gets a child by it's ZOrder. More...
virtual WidgetGetChild (const String &RendName) const
 Gets a child by it's name. More...
virtual UI::SizingRules GetHorizontalSizingRules () const
 Gets the current behavior this quad will follow for the X axis when it is resized. More...
virtual Real GetIdealHeightForText () const
 Gets the height needed for this quadrenderable to be able to completely display text in it's child text layers. More...
virtual bool GetManualTransformUpdates () const
 Gets whether or not this quad will be automatically updated when parent transforms are updated. More...
virtual UnifiedVec2 GetMaxSize () const
 Gets the currently set maximum size for this quad. More...
virtual UnifiedVec2 GetMinSize () const
 Gets the currently set minimum size for this quad. More...
virtual bool GetMousePassthrough () const
 Gets whether or not Mouse Passthrough is enabled. More...
QuadRenderableGetNextSibling (Boolean Wrap=true)
 Gets the QuadRenderable after this one among the QuadRenderables owned by it's parent. More...
virtual Whole GetNumChildren () const
 Gets the number of children in this QuadRenderable. More...
UInt32 GetNumRenderLayerGroups () const
 Gets the number of RenderLayerGroup's created for this renderable. More...
UInt32 GetNumRenderLayers () const
 Gets the number of RenderLayers created for this renderable. More...
UInt32 GetNumVisibleRenderLayers () const
 Gets the number of RenderLayers that are visible in this renderable. More...
QuadRenderableGetParent () const
 Gets the parent of this quad. More...
virtual const PositioningInfoGetPositioningPolicy () const
 Gets the current behavior this QuadRenderable will use when it is positioned. More...
virtual UI::PositioningFlags GetPositioningRules () const
 Gets the current behavior this quad will follow when it is positioned automatically. More...
QuadRenderableGetPrevSibling (Boolean Wrap=true)
 Gets the QuadRenderable before this one among the QuadRenderables owned by it's parent. More...
virtual Rect GetRect () const
 Gets this QuadRenderables' Rect. More...
RenderLayerGetRenderLayer (const UInt32 &Index) const
 Gets a RenderLayer belonging to this QuadRenderable by index. More...
RenderLayerGroupGetRenderLayerGroup (const String &Name) const
 Gets a RenderLayerGroup by name. More...
virtual UI::RenderPriority GetRenderPriority () const
 Gets the priority this QuadRenderable should be rendered with. More...
virtual const SizingInfoGetSizingPolicy () const
 Gets the current behavior this QuadRenderable will use when it is sized. More...
virtual QuadRenderableGetTopMostQuad ()
 Gets the QuadRenderable that is both an ancestor of this quad, and a direct child of the screen. More...
virtual UnifiedVec2 GetUnifiedPosition () const
 Gets the position of this QuadRenderable as a Unified Vector2. More...
virtual UnifiedRect GetUnifiedRect () const
 Gets the Unified positiona nd size of this QuadRenderable as a unified rect. More...
virtual UnifiedVec2 GetUnifiedSize () const
 Gets the size of this QuadRenderable as a Unified Vector2. More...
virtual UI::SizingRules GetVerticalSizingRules () const
 Gets the current behavior this quad will follow for the Y axis when it is resized. More...
virtual const UInt16GetZOrder () const
 Gets the currently set ZOrder of this QuadRenderable with it's parent. More...
virtual Boolean IsChildOfScreen () const
 Gets whether or not this QuadRenderable is a direct child of it's screen. More...
virtual Boolean IsInside (const Vector2 &Point) const
 Checks to see if a point in 2D space is inside this quad. More...
Boolean IsVertexCachingEnabled () const
 Gets whether or not vertex caching is enabled for this Quad. More...
virtual void ProtoDeSerialize (const XML::Node &SelfRoot)
 Take the data stored in an XML Node and overwrite this object with it. More...
virtual void ProtoDeSerializeRenderLayerGroups (const XML::Node &SelfRoot)
 Take the data stored in an XML Node and overwrite the RenderLayerGroups of this object with it. More...
virtual void ProtoDeSerializeRenderLayers (const XML::Node &SelfRoot)
 Take the data stored in an XML Node and overwrite the RenderLayers of this object with it. More...
virtual void ProtoSerialize (XML::Node &ParentNode) const
 Convert this class to an XML::Node ready for serialization. More...
virtual void ProtoSerializeRenderLayerGroups (XML::Node &SelfRoot) const
 Convert the RenderLayerGroups of this class to an XML::Node ready for seriailization. More...
virtual void ProtoSerializeRenderLayers (XML::Node &SelfRoot) const
 Convert the RenderLayers of this class to an XML::Node ready for serialization. More...
ReverseChildIterator RChildrenBegin ()
 Gets an iterator to the last Widget. More...
ConstReverseChildIterator RChildrenBegin () const
 Gets a const iterator to the last Widget. More...
ReverseChildIterator RChildrenEnd ()
 Gets an iterator to one before the first child Widget. More...
ConstReverseChildIterator RChildrenEnd () const
 Gets a const iterator to one before the first child Widget. More...
virtual void RemoveAllChildren ()
 Removes all child Widgets from this QuadRenderable.
virtual void RemoveChild (Widget *Child)
 Removes a child Widget by pointer. More...
void RemoveLayerFromAllGroups (RenderLayer *Layer)
 Removes a single RenderLayer from all RenderLayerGroups owned by this QuadRenderable. More...
void RemoveLayerFromGroup (RenderLayer *Layer, const String &GroupName)
 Removes a single RenderLayer from a specified RenderLayerGroup. More...
RenderLayerIterator RenderLayerBegin ()
 Gets an iterator to the first RenderLayer. More...
ConstRenderLayerIterator RenderLayerBegin () const
 Gets a const iterator to the first RenderLayer. More...
RenderLayerIterator RenderLayerEnd ()
 Gets an iterator to one passed the last RenderLayer. More...
ConstRenderLayerIterator RenderLayerEnd () const
 Gets an iterator to one passed the last RenderLayer. More...
RenderLayerGroupIterator RenderLayerGroupBegin ()
 Gets an iterator to the first RenderLayerGroup. More...
ConstRenderLayerGroupIterator RenderLayerGroupBegin () const
 Gets a const iterator to the first RenderLayerGroup. More...
RenderLayerGroupIterator RenderLayerGroupEnd ()
 Gets an iterator to one passed the last RenderLayerGroup. More...
ConstRenderLayerGroupIterator RenderLayerGroupEnd () const
 Gets an iterator to one passed the last RenderLayerGroup. More...
Boolean RenderLayerGroupExists (const String &Name) const
 Checks to see if a RenderLayerGroup exists. More...
void SetActiveGroup (const String &Name)
 Sets the RenderLayerGroup that will be used to render this renderable. More...
void SetActiveGroup (RenderLayerGroup *Group)
 Sets the RenderLayerGroup that will be used to render this renderable. More...
virtual void SetHorizontalSizingRules (const UI::SizingRules Rules)
 Sets the behavior this quad will have on the X axis when it is resized. More...
void SetLocalVertexCaching (Boolean Enable)
 Enables or disables caching of vertex's belonging to this and all child renderables. More...
virtual void SetManualTransformUpdates (Boolean Enable)
 Sets whether or not this quad has specific behaviors for it's transform updates and they should not be done automatically. More...
virtual void SetMaxSize (const UnifiedVec2 &Max)
 Sets the maximum size this quad is allowed to have. More...
virtual void SetMinSize (const UnifiedVec2 &Min)
 Sets the minimum size this quad is allowed to have. More...
virtual void SetMousePassthrough (Boolean Enable)
 Sets whether or not this quad should be skipped when determining if the mouse is hovered over this quad. More...
virtual void SetPositioningPolicy (const PositioningInfo &Policy)
 Sets the behavior to be used when this QuadRenderable is positioned. More...
virtual void SetPositioningRules (const UI::PositioningFlags Rules)
 Sets the behavior this quad will have when it is positioned automatically. More...
virtual void SetRenderPriority (const UI::RenderPriority RP)
 Sets the priority this QuadRenderable should be rendered with. More...
virtual void SetRenderPriorityCascading (const UI::RenderPriority RP)
 Sets the priority this QuadRenderable and all it's children should be rendered with. More...
virtual void SetSizingPolicy (const SizingInfo &Policy)
 Sets the behavior to be used when this QuadRenderable is sized. More...
virtual void SetUnifiedPosition (const UnifiedVec2 &Position)
 Sets the position this QuadRenderable will have within it's parent. More...
virtual void SetUnifiedSize (const UnifiedVec2 &Size)
 Sets the size this QuadRenderable will have within it's parent. More...
virtual void SetVerticalSizingRules (const UI::SizingRules Rules)
 Sets the behavior this quad will have on the Y axis when it is resized. More...
virtual void UpdateChildDimensions ()
 Updates the dimensions of the children in this QuadRenderable. More...
virtual void UpdateDimensions ()
 Updates the dimensions of this QuadRenderable based on the transform of it's parent. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from Mezzanine::UI::Renderable
bool _IsDirty () const
 Gets whether or not this renderable is dirty. More...
const StringGetName () const
 Gets the name of this renderable. More...
ScreenGetScreen () const
 Gets the parent screen of this renderable. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from Mezzanine::EventPublisher
 EventPublisher ()
 Class constructor.
virtual ~EventPublisher ()
 Class destructor.
EventGetEvent (const String &EventName) const
 Gets an event in this publisher. More...
EventGetEventExcept (const String &EventName) const
 Gets an event in this publisher.

Thisversion differs from the non-except version in that if it fails to find the event specified it will throw a "II_IDENTITY_NOT_FOUND_EXCEPTION".
EventSubscriberSlotSubscribe (const String &EventName, EventSubscriber *Sub)
 Adds a subscriber to this event. More...
EventSubscriberSlotSubscribe (const String &EventName, FunctorSubscriberSlot::FunctorDefinition *Funct, Boolean CleanUpAfter)
 Subscribes a functor object to this event. More...
EventSubscriberSlotSubscribe (const String &EventName, CFunctionSubscriberSlot::SubscriberFunction *CFunct)
 Subscribes a C-style function to this event. More...
EventSubscriberSlotSubscribe (const String &EventName, Scripting::iScript *SubScript)
 Subscribes a script to this event. More...
void Unsubscribe (EventSubscriber *Subscriber)
 Unsubscribes a single subscriber all events in this publisher. More...
void Unsubscribe (FunctorSubscriberSlot::FunctorDefinition *Funct)
 Unsubscribes a single subscriber all events in this publisher. More...
void Unsubscribe (CFunctionSubscriberSlot::SubscriberFunction *CFunct)
 Unsubscribes a single subscriber from all events in this publisher. More...
void Unsubscribe (Scripting::iScript *SubScript)
 Unsubscribes a single subscriber from all events in this publisher. More...
void Unsubscribe (EventSubscriberSlot *SubSlot)
 Unsubscribes a single subscriber from all events in this publisher. More...
void Unsubscribe (const String &EventName, EventSubscriber *Subscriber)
 Unsubscribes a single subscriber from the named event. More...
void Unsubscribe (const String &EventName, FunctorSubscriberSlot::FunctorDefinition *Funct)
 Unsubscribes a single subscriber from the named event. More...
void Unsubscribe (const String &EventName, CFunctionSubscriberSlot::SubscriberFunction *CFunct)
 Unsubscribes a single subscriber from the named event. More...
void Unsubscribe (const String &EventName, Scripting::iScript *SubScript)
 Unsubscribes a single subscriber from the named event. More...
void Unsubscribe (const String &EventName, EventSubscriberSlot *SubSlot)
 Unsubscribes a single subscriber from the named event. More...
Whole UnsubscribeAll ()
 Unsubscribes all subscribers from all events in this publisher. More...
Whole UnsubscribeAll (const String &EventName)
 Unsubscribes all subscribers from the named Event. More...

Static Public Member Functions

static String GetSerializableName ()
 Get the name of the the XML tag the Renderable class will leave behind as its instances are serialized. More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Mezzanine::UI::Scrollbar
static String GetSerializableName ()
 Get the name of the the XML tag the Renderable class will leave behind as its instances are serialized. More...

Static Public Attributes

static const String TypeName = "VerticalScrollbar"
 String containing the type name for this class: "VerticalScrollbar".
- Static Public Attributes inherited from Mezzanine::UI::Scrollbar
static const String EventScrollValueChanged = "ScrollValueChanged"
 Event name for when this scrollbar has his scrollvalue updated.
static const String TypeName = "Scrollbar"
 String containing the type name for this class: "Scrollbar".

Protected Member Functions

 VerticalScrollbar (Screen *Parent)
 Blank constructor. More...
 VerticalScrollbar (const String &RendName, const UI::ScrollbarStyle &Style, Screen *Parent)
 Standard initialization constructor. More...
 VerticalScrollbar (const String &RendName, const UnifiedRect &RendRect, const UI::ScrollbarStyle &Style, Screen *Parent)
 Rect constructor. More...
 VerticalScrollbar (const XML::Node &XMLNode, Screen *Parent)
 XML constructor. More...
virtual ~VerticalScrollbar ()
 Class destructor.
virtual bool ButtonScroll (Button *TheButton)
 Performs the operations for when one of the buttons is pressed to manipulate the scroller. More...
virtual void ConstructVerticalScrollbar (const UI::ScrollbarStyle &ScrollStyle)
 Constructor helper function for creating a vertically aligned scrollbar. More...
virtual Real GetLowerScrollLimit () const
 Gets the pixel position of the lower limit the scroller can be placed on. More...
virtual Real GetUpperScrollLimit () const
virtual bool MouseScroll (const Vector2 &MouseDelta)
virtual bool ScrollBackScroll (const Vector2 &HitPosition)
 Performs the operations for when the scrollback is clicked on to manipulate the scroller. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Mezzanine::UI::Scrollbar
 Scrollbar (Screen *Parent)
 Blank constructor. More...
 Scrollbar (const String &RendName, Screen *Parent)
 Standard initialization constructor. More...
 Scrollbar (const String &RendName, const UnifiedRect &RendRect, Screen *Parent)
 Rect constructor. More...
virtual ~Scrollbar ()
 Standard class destructor.
virtual Real GetScrollRange () const
 Gets the range on which the scroller can be placed. More...
virtual bool HandleInputImpl (const Input::MetaCode &Code)
 Consumes input for this widget's use. More...
virtual void SubscribeToChildEvents ()
 Subscribes to all the events of this scrollbars children we care about. Used only on construction. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Mezzanine::UI::PageProvider
 PageProvider (Screen *Parent)
 Blank constructor. More...
 PageProvider (const String &RendName, Screen *Parent)
 Standard initialization constructor. More...
 PageProvider (const String &RendName, const UnifiedRect &RendRect, Screen *Parent)
 Rect constructor. More...
virtual ~PageProvider ()
 Standard destructor.
virtual void ProtoDeSerializeImpl (const XML::Node &SelfRoot)
 Implementation method for deseriailizing additional sets of data. More...
virtual void ProtoSerializeImpl (XML::Node &SelfRoot) const
 Implementation method for serializing additional sets of data. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Mezzanine::UI::Widget
 Widget (Screen *Parent)
 Blank constructor. More...
 Widget (const String &RendName, Screen *Parent)
 Standard initialization constructor. More...
 Widget (const String &RendName, const UnifiedRect &RendRect, Screen *Parent)
 Rect constructor. More...
 Widget (const XML::Node &XMLNode, Screen *Parent)
 XML constructor. More...
virtual ~Widget ()
 Standard destructor.
void ConstructWidget ()
 Contains all the common necessary startup initializations for this class. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Mezzanine::UI::QuadRenderable
 QuadRenderable (Screen *Parent)
 Blank constructor. More...
 QuadRenderable (const String &RendName, Screen *Parent)
 Class constructor. More...
 QuadRenderable (const String &RendName, const UnifiedRect &RendRect, Screen *Parent)
 Parent-less constructor. More...
virtual ~QuadRenderable ()
 Class destructor. More...
void AppendLayerVertices (std::vector< VertexData > &Vertices)
 Adds all the vertices belonging to all the layers of this renderable to the provided vector. More...
void CleanLayers ()
 Redraws all dirty layers. More...
void ResizeLayers (const Whole NewSize)
 Resizes the container for RenderLayers in this QuadRenderable. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Mezzanine::UI::Renderable
 Renderable (Screen *Parent)
 Blank constructor. More...
 Renderable (const String &RendName, Screen *Parent)
 Class constructor. More...
virtual ~Renderable ()
 Class destructor.
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Mezzanine::EventPublisher
EventAddEvent (const String &EventName)
 Creates a new event this Publisher can fire. More...
void FireEvent (const EventArguments &Args)
 Fires an event. More...
void RemoveAllEvents ()
 Removes all events in this Publisher. More...
void RemoveEvent (const String &EventName)
 Removes an existing event in this Publisher. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Mezzanine::EventSubscriber
 EventSubscriber ()
 Class constructor.
virtual ~EventSubscriber ()
 Class destructor.


class VerticalScrollbarFactory

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from Mezzanine::UI::Widget
 Const Iterator type for RenderLayerGroup instances stored in relation to widget states.
 Iterator type for RenderLayerGroup instances stored in relation to widget states.
typedef std::map< UInt32,
RenderLayerGroup * > 
 Container class for storing RenderLayerGroup instances in relation to widget states.
enum  WidgetState { WS_Untouched = 0, WS_Hovered = 1, WS_Focused = 2, WS_Dragged = 4 }
 Enum describing the current state of the widget.
- Protected Attributes inherited from Mezzanine::UI::Scrollbar
 This is a pointer to the specific child that is locked and being manipulated. More...
 The Down/Right button that when clicked will move the scroller in that respective direction. More...
Real IncrementDistance
 The distance the scroller is to be moved when the up, left, down, or right buttons are clicked. More...
 The background around that can be clicked on and represents the valid bounds for the scroller. More...
 The manipulatable widget that represents the current position on the scrollbar/slider. More...
 The Up/Left button that when clicked will move the scroller in that respective direction. More...

Detailed Description

This is a scrollbar class aligned on the Y axis.

Definition at line 53 of file verticalscrollbar.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Mezzanine::UI::VerticalScrollbar::VerticalScrollbar ( Screen Parent)

Blank constructor.

ParentThe parent screen that created this scrollbar.

Definition at line 67 of file verticalscrollbar.cpp.

Mezzanine::UI::VerticalScrollbar::VerticalScrollbar ( const String RendName,
const UI::ScrollbarStyle Style,
Screen Parent 

Standard initialization constructor.

RendNameThe name to be given to this scrollbar.
StyleAn enum value representing how you want your scrollbar constructed. See UI::ScrollbarStyle enum for more info.
ParentThe parent screen that created this scrollbar.

Definition at line 71 of file verticalscrollbar.cpp.

Mezzanine::UI::VerticalScrollbar::VerticalScrollbar ( const String RendName,
const UnifiedRect RendRect,
const UI::ScrollbarStyle Style,
Screen Parent 

Rect constructor.

RendNameThe name to be given to this scrollbar.
RendRectThe rect describing this widget's transform relative to it's parent.
StyleAn enum value representing how you want your scrollbar constructed. See UI::ScrollbarStyle enum for more info.
ParentThe parent screen that created this scrollbar.

Definition at line 75 of file verticalscrollbar.cpp.

Mezzanine::UI::VerticalScrollbar::VerticalScrollbar ( const XML::Node XMLNode,
Screen Parent 

XML constructor.

XMLNodeThe node of the xml document to construct from.
ParentThe screen the created VerticalScrollbar will belong to.

Definition at line 79 of file verticalscrollbar.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

void Mezzanine::UI::VerticalScrollbar::_NotifyContainerUpdated ( )

Notifies this provider that the container it is providing page data to has been updated.

Implements Mezzanine::UI::PageProvider.

Definition at line 460 of file verticalscrollbar.cpp.

bool Mezzanine::UI::VerticalScrollbar::ButtonScroll ( Button TheButton)

Performs the operations for when one of the buttons is pressed to manipulate the scroller.

Implements Mezzanine::UI::Scrollbar.

Definition at line 267 of file verticalscrollbar.cpp.

void Mezzanine::UI::VerticalScrollbar::ConstructVerticalScrollbar ( const UI::ScrollbarStyle ScrollStyle)

Constructor helper function for creating a vertically aligned scrollbar.

ScrollStyleThe button style to be applied to this scrollbar.

Definition at line 98 of file verticalscrollbar.cpp.

Real Mezzanine::UI::VerticalScrollbar::GetCurrentXPage ( ) const

Gets the current page position on the X axis.

Returns a Real representing the page position on the X axis.

Implements Mezzanine::UI::PageProvider.

Definition at line 406 of file verticalscrollbar.cpp.

Real Mezzanine::UI::VerticalScrollbar::GetCurrentYPage ( ) const

Gets the current page position on the Y axis.

Returns a Real representing the page position on the Y axis.

Implements Mezzanine::UI::PageProvider.

Definition at line 409 of file verticalscrollbar.cpp.

Real Mezzanine::UI::VerticalScrollbar::GetLowerScrollLimit ( ) const

Gets the pixel position of the lower limit the scroller can be placed on.

Implements Mezzanine::UI::Scrollbar.

Definition at line 204 of file verticalscrollbar.cpp.

Real Mezzanine::UI::VerticalScrollbar::GetMaxXPages ( ) const

Gets the maximum number of pages supported on the X axis.

Returns the number of pages on the X axis supported with the given work area size.

Implements Mezzanine::UI::PageProvider.

Definition at line 397 of file verticalscrollbar.cpp.

Real Mezzanine::UI::VerticalScrollbar::GetMaxYPages ( ) const

Gets the maximum number of pages supported on the Y axis.

Returns the number of pages on the Y axis supported with the given work area size.

Implements Mezzanine::UI::PageProvider.

Definition at line 400 of file verticalscrollbar.cpp.

Real Mezzanine::UI::VerticalScrollbar::GetScrollerSize ( ) const

Implements Mezzanine::UI::Scrollbar.

Definition at line 361 of file verticalscrollbar.cpp.

Real Mezzanine::UI::VerticalScrollbar::GetScrollerValue ( ) const

Implements Mezzanine::UI::Scrollbar.

Definition at line 336 of file verticalscrollbar.cpp.

String Mezzanine::UI::VerticalScrollbar::GetSerializableName ( )

Get the name of the the XML tag the Renderable class will leave behind as its instances are serialized.

A string containing the name of this class.

Definition at line 454 of file verticalscrollbar.cpp.

const String & Mezzanine::UI::VerticalScrollbar::GetTypeName ( ) const

Gets the type of widget this is.

Returns a const String reference representing the type of widget this is.

Reimplemented from Mezzanine::UI::Widget.

Definition at line 314 of file verticalscrollbar.cpp.

Real Mezzanine::UI::VerticalScrollbar::GetUpperScrollLimit ( ) const

Implements Mezzanine::UI::Scrollbar.

Definition at line 199 of file verticalscrollbar.cpp.

bool Mezzanine::UI::VerticalScrollbar::MouseScroll ( const Vector2 MouseDelta)

Implements Mezzanine::UI::Scrollbar.

Definition at line 209 of file verticalscrollbar.cpp.

void Mezzanine::UI::VerticalScrollbar::ProtoDeSerializeChildQuads ( const XML::Node SelfRoot)

Take the data stored in an XML Node and overwrite the ChildQuads of this object with it.

SelfRootAn XML::Node containing the data to populate this class with.

Reimplemented from Mezzanine::UI::QuadRenderable.

Definition at line 420 of file verticalscrollbar.cpp.

void Mezzanine::UI::VerticalScrollbar::ProtoSerializeChildQuads ( XML::Node SelfRoot) const

Convert the child quads of this class to an XML::Node ready for serialization.

SelfRootThe root node containing all the serialized data for this instance.

Reimplemented from Mezzanine::UI::QuadRenderable.

Definition at line 415 of file verticalscrollbar.cpp.

bool Mezzanine::UI::VerticalScrollbar::ScrollBackScroll ( const Vector2 HitPosition)

Performs the operations for when the scrollback is clicked on to manipulate the scroller.

Implements Mezzanine::UI::Scrollbar.

Definition at line 234 of file verticalscrollbar.cpp.

void Mezzanine::UI::VerticalScrollbar::SetScrollerSize ( const Real Size)

Implements Mezzanine::UI::Scrollbar.

Definition at line 343 of file verticalscrollbar.cpp.

void Mezzanine::UI::VerticalScrollbar::SetScrollerValue ( const Real Value)

Implements Mezzanine::UI::Scrollbar.

Definition at line 319 of file verticalscrollbar.cpp.

void Mezzanine::UI::VerticalScrollbar::UpdateDimensions ( const Rect OldSelfRect,
const Rect NewSelfRect 

Updates the dimensions of this QuadRenderable based on the transform of it's parent.

This function is called automatically by this objects parent when it changes in size or position, and should only need to be called manually if the positioning or sizing rules were updated manually.

OldSelfRectThe previous dimensions of this quad prior to it's dimensions being updated.
NewSelfRectThe updated and current dimensions of this quad.

Reimplemented from Mezzanine::UI::QuadRenderable.

Definition at line 366 of file verticalscrollbar.cpp.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: