Mezzanine | |
  src | |
   Audio | |
    audio.h | |
    audioenumerations.h | |
    audiomanager.cpp | |
    audiomanager.h | |
    decoder.h | |
    decoderfactory.h | |
    effect.h | |
    effectparameters.h | |
    effectshandler.h | |
    filter.h | |
    listener.h | |
    musicplayer.cpp | |
    musicplayer.h | The interface for the Musicplayer class |
    playlist.cpp | |
    playlist.h | The declaration of the Playlist class |
    rawdecoder.cpp | |
    rawdecoder.h | |
    rawdecoderfactory.h | |
    recorder.h | |
    sound.h | |
    soundproxy.h | |
    soundscapemanager.cpp | |
    soundscapemanager.h | |
    soundset.cpp | |
    soundset.h | |
    vorbisdecoder.cpp | |
    vorbisdecoder.h | |
    vorbisdecoderfactory.h | |
    wavdecoder.cpp | |
    wavdecoder.h | |
    wavdecoderfactory.h | |
   Graphics | |
    billboard.cpp | This file contains the implementation for the Billboard class used by BillboardSetProxy |
    billboard.h | This file contains the declaration for the Billboard class used by BillboardSetProxy |
    billboardsetproxy.cpp | This file contains the implementation for the World proxy wrapping billboard functionality |
    billboardsetproxy.h | This file contains the declaration for the World proxy wrapping billboard functionality |
    bone.cpp | |
    bone.h | |
    cameramanager.cpp | |
    cameramanager.h | |
    cameraproxy.cpp | This file contains the implementation for the World proxy wrapping camera functionality |
    cameraproxy.h | This file contains the declaration for the World proxy wrapping camera functionality |
    entityproxy.cpp | This file contains the implementation for the World proxy wrapping basic entity(mesh) functionality |
    entityproxy.h | This file contains the declaration for the World proxy wrapping basic entity(mesh) functionality |
    gamewindow.cpp | |
    gamewindow.h | |
    graphics.h | |
    graphicsenumerations.h | |
    graphicsmanager.cpp | |
    graphicsmanager.h | |
    lightproxy.cpp | This file contains the implementation for the World proxy wrapping light functionality |
    lightproxy.h | This file contains the declaration for the World proxy wrapping light functionality |
    material.cpp | |
    material.h | |
    mesh.cpp | |
    mesh.h | |
    meshmanager.cpp | |
    meshmanager.h | |
    particleaffector.cpp | |
    particleaffector.h | |
    particleemitter.cpp | |
    particleemitter.h | |
    particlesystemproxy.cpp | This file contains the implementation for the World proxy wrapping particle functionality |
    particlesystemproxy.h | This file contains the declaration for the World proxy wrapping particle functionality |
    pass.cpp | |
    pass.h | |
    renderableproxy.cpp | This file contains the implementation for the base class from which graphics proxies inherit |
    renderableproxy.h | This file contains the declaration for the base class from which graphics proxies inherit |
    scenemanager.cpp | |
    scenemanager.h | |
    skeleton.cpp | |
    skeleton.h | |
    submesh.cpp | |
    submesh.h | |
    technique.cpp | |
    technique.h | |
    texture.cpp | |
    texture.h | |
    viewport.cpp | |
    viewport.h | |
    windowsettings.h | |
   Input | |
    buttondevice.cpp | |
    buttondevice.h | |
    controller.cpp | |
    controller.h | |
    device.cpp | |
    device.h | The declaration of the User input Device class |
    input.h | |
    inputenumerations.h | |
    inputmanager.cpp | |
    inputmanager.h | |
    keyboard.cpp | |
    keyboard.h | |
    metacode.cpp | |
    metacode.h | |
    metacodekey.cpp | |
    metacodekey.h | |
    mouse.cpp | |
    mouse.h | |
    sequencecontainer.cpp | |
    sequencecontainer.h | |
   Network | |
    ipaddress.cpp | |
    ipaddress.h | |
    packet.cpp | |
    packet.h | |
    socket.cpp | |
    socket.h | |
    systemaddress.cpp | |
    systemaddress.h | |
   Physics | |
    boxcollisionshape.cpp | |
    boxcollisionshape.h | |
    capsulecollisionshape.cpp | |
    capsulecollisionshape.h | |
    collidablepair.cpp | |
    collidablepair.h | |
    collidableproxy.cpp | |
    collidableproxy.h | |
    collision.cpp | |
    collision.h | |
    collisiondispatcher.cpp | |
    collisiondispatcher.h.cpp | |
    collisionshape.cpp | |
    collisionshape.h | |
    collisionshapemanager.cpp | |
    collisionshapemanager.h | |
    compoundcollisionshape.cpp | |
    compoundcollisionshape.h | |
    conecollisionshape.cpp | |
    conecollisionshape.h | |
    conetwistconstraint.cpp | |
    conetwistconstraint.h | |
    constraint.cpp | |
    constraint.h | |
    convexhullcollisionshape.cpp | |
    convexhullcollisionshape.h | |
    cylindercollisionshape.cpp | |
    cylindercollisionshape.h | |
    dualtransformconstraint.cpp | |
    dualtransformconstraint.h | |
    dynamicmeshcollisionshape.cpp | |
    dynamicmeshcollisionshape.h | |
    fieldcollisionshape.cpp | |
    fieldcollisionshape.h | |
    gearconstraint.cpp | |
    gearconstraint.h | |
    generic6dofconstraint.cpp | |
    generic6dofconstraint.h | |
    generic6dofspringconstraint.cpp | |
    generic6dofspringconstraint.h | |
    ghostproxy.cpp | |
    ghostproxy.h | |
    heightfieldcollisionshape.cpp | |
    heightfieldcollisionshape.h | |
    hinge2constraint.cpp | |
    hinge2constraint.h | |
    hingeconstraint.cpp | |
    hingeconstraint.h | |
    managerconstructioninfo.h | |
    meshcollisionshape.cpp | |
    meshcollisionshape.h | |
    multispherecollisionshape.cpp | |
    multispherecollisionshape.h | |
    physics.h | |
    physicsenumerations.h | |
    physicsmanager.cpp | |
    physicsmanager.h | |
    planecollisionshape.cpp | |
    planecollisionshape.h | |
    point2pointconstraint.cpp | |
    point2pointconstraint.h | |
    primitivecollisionshape.cpp | |
    primitivecollisionshape.h | |
    rigidproxy.cpp | |
    rigidproxy.h | |
    sliderconstraint.cpp | |
    sliderconstraint.h | |
    softcollisionshape.cpp | |
    softcollisionshape.h | |
    softproxy.cpp | |
    softproxy.h | |
    spherecollisionshape.cpp | |
    spherecollisionshape.h | |
    staticmeshcollisionshape.cpp | |
    staticmeshcollisionshape.h | |
    universalconstraint.cpp | |
    universalconstraint.h | |
   Resource | |
    archive.cpp | |
    archive.h | |
    asset.cpp | |
    asset.h | |
    assetgroup.cpp | |
    assetgroup.h | |
    assethandler.cpp | |
    assethandler.h | |
    datastream.cpp | |
    datastream.h | Declaration of DataStream |
    filestream.cpp | |
    filestream.h | Declaration of FileStream |
    inputstream.cpp | |
    inputstream.h | |
    memorystream.cpp | |
    memorystream.h | Declaration of MemoryStream |
    resourceenumerations.h | |
    textsettingsfile.cpp | |
    textsettingsfile.h | |
   Scripting | |
    script.h | This file has the interfaces for Scripts and tag derived classes |
    scriptargument.h | This file has the interfaces for Script Arguments and the associated dependency chain |
    scriptingmanager.cpp | The implementation (WTF!!) of the Interface for Scripting Managers |
    scriptingmanager.h | This file has the interfaces for Scripting managers and the associated dependency chain |
    scriptworkunit.h | This file has the interfaces for ScriptsWorkUnit |
   Threading | |
    asynchronousfileloadingworkunit.cpp | The implementation of the AsynchronousFileLoadWorkUnit a workunit that loads a listing of files asynchronously |
    asynchronousfileloadingworkunit.h | The declaration of the AsynchronousFileLoadWorkUnit a workunit that loads a listing of files asynchronously |
    asynchronousworkunit.cpp | Contains very little actually |
    asynchronousworkunit.h | Contains an interface for a kind of WorkUnit that loads or does other work even when the frame scheduler is paused |
    atomicoperations.cpp | The implementation of simple thread safe ways to check and change a specified variable atomically |
    atomicoperations.h | Simple thread safe ways to check and change a specified variable atomically |
    barrier.cpp | Contains the implementation for the Mezzanine::Threading::Barrier Barrier synchronization object |
    barrier.h | The declaration of the Mezzanine::Threading::Barrier Barrier synchronization primitive |
    crossplatformincludes.h | This file determines what features are offered by the compiler that this library can take advantage of |
    dagframescheduler.h | This is the file that code using this library should include. It includes all the required components |
    doublebufferedresource.h | This file defines the template double buffered resources that can be attached to a thread |
    framescheduler.cpp | This is the core object implementation for this algorithm |
    framescheduler.h | This file has the Declarations for the main FrameScheduler class |
    frameschedulerworkunits.cpp | The implementation of any workunits the framescheduler needs to work correctly |
    frameschedulerworkunits.h | This defines a number of workunits that are required for doing some tasks that the Framescheduler requires |
    lockguard.h | Declares a tool for automatically unlocking a mutex in an exception safe way |
    logtools.cpp | Tools that make logging specific data a little bit easier |
    logtools.h | The definitions of the logging tools |
    monopoly.cpp | Contains the minimal implementation for the monopoly base class |
    monopoly.h | Contains an interface for a kind of WorkUnit that consumes time on multiple thread |
    mutex.cpp | Contains the implementation for the Mezzanine::Threading::Mutex Mutex synchronization object |
    mutex.h | Declares a Mutex, Mutex tools |
    readwritespinlock.cpp | Contains the implementation for the Mezzanine::Threading::Mutex Mutex synchronization object |
    readwritespinlock.h | Declares a Mutex, Mutex tools, and at least one MutexLike object |
    rollingaverage.cpp | This would store the implementation of the Rolling averages if any were required, but templates.. |
    rollingaverage.h | This stores the implementation and the declaration of the RollingAverage, BufferedRollingAverage, WeightedRollingAverage and the DefaultRollingAverage |
    spinlock.cpp | Contains the implementation for the Mezzanine::Threading::SpinLock synchronization object |
    spinlock.h | Declares a Mutex, Mutex tools, and at least one MutexLike object |
    systemcalls.cpp | This file defines some platform specifc functions |
    systemcalls.h | This file defines a minimalistic cross-platform thread that the scheduler uses to schedule tasks |
    thread.cpp | This file implements a minimalistic cross-platform thread that the scheduler uses to schedule tasks |
    thread.h | This file defines a minimalistic cross-platform thread that the scheduler uses to schedule tasks |
    threadingenumerations.h | Any enumerations the threading library requires are all declared here |
    workunit.cpp | This file has the implementation of the Mezzanine::Threading::DefaultWorkUnit |
    workunit.h | This file has the definition of the workunit |
    workunitkey.cpp | This file declares the functionality of the metadata used to sort the iWorkUnits |
    workunitkey.h | This file defines the metadata used to sort workunits |
   UI | |
    action.cpp | |
    action.h | |
    actionhandler.cpp | |
    actionhandler.h | |
    brutestrategy.cpp | |
    brutestrategy.h | |
    button.cpp | |
    button.h | |
    character.cpp | |
    character.h | |
    charactertraits.cpp | |
    charactertraits.h | |
    checkbox.cpp | |
    checkbox.h | |
    defaultmarkupparser.cpp | |
    defaultmarkupparser.h | |
    dropdownlist.cpp | |
    dropdownlist.h | |
    editbox.cpp | |
    editbox.h | |
    font.cpp | |
    font.h | |
    glyph.h | |
    gridcontainer.cpp | |
    gridcontainer.h | |
    horizontalcontainer.cpp | |
    horizontalcontainer.h | |
    horizontallayoutstrategy.cpp | |
    horizontallayoutstrategy.h | |
    horizontalscrollbar.cpp | |
    horizontalscrollbar.h | |
    hotkeyhandler.cpp | |
    hotkeyhandler.h | |
    imagelayer.cpp | |
    imagelayer.h | |
    kerning.h | |
    layoutcontainer.cpp | |
    layoutcontainer.h | |
    layoutstrategy.cpp | |
    layoutstrategy.h | |
    linearcontainer.cpp | |
    linearcontainer.h | |
    linelist.cpp | |
    linelist.h | |
    listbox.cpp | |
    listbox.h | |
    markupparser.cpp | |
    markupparser.h | |
    menubutton.cpp | |
    menubutton.h | |
    menuentry.cpp | |
    menuentry.h | |
    mousehoverstrategy.h | |
    multilinetextlayer.cpp | |
    multilinetextlayer.h | |
    nineboxstrategy.cpp | |
    nineboxstrategy.h | |
    pagedcontainer.cpp | |
    pagedcontainer.h | |
    pageprovider.cpp | |
    pageprovider.h | |
    positioninginfo.h | |
    quadrenderable.cpp | |
    quadrenderable.h | |
    quadrenderer.cpp | |
    quadrenderer.h | |
    radiobutton.cpp | |
    radiobutton.h | |
    rect.h | |
    renderable.cpp | |
    renderable.h | |
    renderlayer.cpp | |
    renderlayer.h | |
    screen.cpp | |
    screen.h | |
    scrollbar.cpp | |
    scrollbar.h | |
    simplerenderer.cpp | |
    simplerenderer.h | |
    singlelinetextlayer.cpp | |
    singlelinetextlayer.h | |
    sizinginfo.h | |
    spinner.cpp | |
    spinner.h | |
    sprite.h | |
    stackedcontainer.cpp | |
    stackedcontainer.h | |
    tabset.cpp | |
    tabset.h | |
    textcursor.cpp | |
    textcursor.h | |
    textlayer.cpp | |
    textlayer.h | |
    textline.cpp | |
    textline.h | |
    texttoken.cpp | |
    texttoken.h | |
    textureatlas.cpp | |
    textureatlas.h | |
    textureatlashandler.cpp | |
    textureatlashandler.h | |
    ui.h | |
    uienumerations.h | |
    uimanager.cpp | |
    uimanager.h | |
    unifieddim.h | |
    vertex.h | |
    verticalcontainer.cpp | |
    verticalcontainer.h | |
    verticallayoutstrategy.cpp | |
    verticallayoutstrategy.h | |
    verticalscrollbar.cpp | |
    verticalscrollbar.h | |
    widget.cpp | |
    widget.h | |
    widgetfactory.h | |
    window.cpp | |
    window.h | |
   XML | |
    attribute.cpp | Describe file here |
    attribute.h | Contains the definition for the XML::Attribute class |
    attributeiterator.cpp | Describe file here |
    attributeiterator.h | Contains the defintion of the AttributeIterator class |
    document.cpp | Describe file here |
    document.h | The definition of the XML::Document Class |
    memorymanagement.cpp | Describe file here |
    memorymanagement.h | The xml memory management system must be integrated into the rest of the Mezzanine resource management syste, until that happens it will reside here |
    node.cpp | Describe file here |
    node.h | This defines the Mezzanine::XML::Node one of the central XML classes |
    nodeiterator.cpp | Describe file here |
    nodeiterator.h | Contains the defintion of the Mezzanine::XML::NodeIterator and Mezzanine::XML::NamedNodeIterator class |
    nodetext.cpp | Describe file here |
    nodetext.h | The declaration of the XML::NodeText class |
    objectrange.h | Contains the implementation of the ObjectRange class template |
    parseresult.cpp | |
    parseresult.h | |
    treewalker.cpp | Describe file here |
    treewalker.h | This defines the TreeWalker Interface |
    writer.cpp | Describe file here |
    writer.h | The definitions for all of the XML::Writer inheritance hierarchy |
    xml.cpp | |
    xml.h | |
    xmlboilerplate.cpp | Describe file here |
    xmlboilerplate.h | Describe file here |
    xmlenumerations.h | Enumerations and constant values used primarily in the XML system but useful for interacting with it in other places |
    xmlstring.cpp | Describe file here |
    xmlstring.h | A few functions to help the XML system perform conversions between UTF8 and the native wide character UTF implementation |
    xpathnode.cpp | Describe file here |
    xpathnode.h | The definition of the Mezzanine::XML::XPathNode |
    xpathnodeset.cpp | Describe file here |
    xpathnodeset.h | This file contains the defintion of the Mezzanine::XML::XPathNodeSet |
    xpathparseresult.cpp | Describe file here |
    xpathparseresult.h | Has all the classes for the XPath implementation |
    xpathquery.cpp | Describe file here |
    xpathquery.h | The definition of the Mezzanine::XML::XPathQuery |
    xpathvariable.cpp | Describe file here |
    xpathvariable.h | The XPathVariable class definition |
    xpathvariableset.cpp | Describe file here |
    xpathvariableset.h | The definition of the Mezzanine::XML::XPathVariableSet |
   actor.cpp | Code used by all actors is implemented here |
   actor.h | The base class for all Actors is defined here |
   actormanager.cpp | |
   actormanager.h | |
   areaeffect.cpp | |
   areaeffect.h | |
   areaeffectmanager.cpp | |
   areaeffectmanager.h | |
   attachable.cpp | Contains the Mezzanine::Attachable Class and Mezzanine::Attachable::AttachableElement enumeration implementations |
   attachable.h | Contains the Mezzanine::Attachable Class and Mezzanine::Attachable::AttachableElement enumeration declarations |
   axisalignedbox.cpp | This file contains the implementation for the AxisAlignedBox class for representing AABB's of objects in the world |
   axisalignedbox.h | This file contains the AxisAlignedBox class for representing AABB's of objects in the world |
   binarybuffer.cpp | The implementation of some tools for making working with binary stuff easier |
   binarybuffer.h | |
   blank.cpp | |
   boilerplate.cpp | Describe file here |
   boilerplate.h | Describe file here |
   cameracontroller.cpp | |
   cameracontroller.h | |
   colourvalue.cpp | |
   colourvalue.h | |
   countedptr.h | This file describes and implements a reference counted pointer that is NOT threadsafe |
   crossplatform.cpp | |
   crossplatform.h | |
   crossplatformexport.h | This file is used on some platforms to determine what data should be read and written to and from a shared/dynamic library |
   cubicspline.h | |
   datatypes.h | All the definitions for datatypes as well as some basic conversion functions are defined here. Additionally, this is where all of the other singular header inclusions go as well |
   debris.cpp | This file contains the implementation for the debris class used to represent a small loose object in the world |
   debris.h | This file contains the declaration for the debris class used to represent a small loose object in the world |
   debrismanager.cpp | This file contains the implementation for the manager that manages debris objects in a world |
   debrismanager.h | This file contains the declaration for the manager that manages debris objects in a world |
   entresol.cpp | |
   entresol.h | |
   enumerations.h | Any global enumerations shared between multiple classes is to be declared here |
   event.cpp | |
   event.h | |
   eventarguments.h | |
   eventbase.cpp | |
   eventbase.h | |
   eventgamewindow.cpp | |
   eventgamewindow.h | |
   eventmanager.cpp | |
   eventmanager.h | |
   eventpublisher.cpp | |
   eventpublisher.h | |
   eventquit.cpp | |
   eventquit.h | |
   eventsubscriber.cpp | |
   eventsubscriber.h | |
   eventsubscriberslot.cpp | |
   eventsubscriberslot.h | |
   eventuserinput.cpp | |
   eventuserinput.h | |
   exception.cpp | |
   exception.h | |
   extendedtimer.cpp | |
   extendedtimer.h | |
   fieldofforce.cpp | |
   fieldofforce.h | |
   gravityfield.cpp | |
   gravityfield.h | |
   gravitywell.cpp | |
   gravitywell.h | |
   interpolator.cpp | Any non-template implentation details for generic interpolator classes will go here |
   interpolator.h | Helper classes to assist in generating data points between two other data points |
   linegroup.cpp | |
   linegroup.h | |
   macros.h | All convience/utility macros for the Mezzanine are to be placed here |
   managedptr.cpp | Implement |
   managedptr.h | The interface for a class useful for applying RAII when it should have been used but wasn't |
   managerbase.cpp | |
   managerbase.h | |
   managerfactory.h | |
   mathtool.cpp | |
   mathtool.h | |
   matrix3x3.cpp | |
   matrix3x3.h | |
   matrix4x4.cpp | |
   matrix4x4.h | |
   meshterrain.cpp | |
   meshterrain.h | |
   mezzanine.h | A single file that includes all of the Mezzanine engine |
   network.h | |
   networkmanager.cpp | |
   networkmanager.h | |
   objectsettings.cpp | |
   objectsettings.h | |
   plane.cpp | |
   plane.h | |
   pstdint.h | |
   quaternion.cpp | |
   quaternion.h | |
   ray.cpp | |
   ray.h | |
   rayquerytool.cpp | |
   rayquerytool.h | |
   resource.h | |
   resourcemanager.cpp | |
   resourcemanager.h | The defintion of the Resource Manager |
   rigiddebris.cpp | This file contains the implementation for the debris class that does not deform |
   rigiddebris.h | This file contains the declaration for the debris class that does not deform |
   scripting.h | |
   serialization.cpp | |
   serialization.h | The interface for serialization |
   singleton.h | |
   softdebris.cpp | This file contains the implementation for the debris class that will compress and deform |
   softdebris.h | This file contains the declaration for the debris class that will compress and deform |
   sphere.cpp | This file contains the implementation for the generic Sphere class for math and spacial query |
   sphere.h | This file contains a generic Sphere class for math and spacial query |
   stringtool.cpp | |
   stringtool.h | |
   swig.h | Used to give commands specifically to the SWIG preprocessor |
   terrainbase.cpp | |
   terrainbase.h | |
   terrainmanager.cpp | |
   terrainmanager.h | |
   timer.cpp | |
   timer.h | |
   track.cpp | |
   track.h | |
   trackiterator.h | |
   transform.cpp | |
   transform.h | The defintion of the transform is stored in this file |
   transformableobject.cpp | |
   transformableobject.h | |
   trie.h | |
   unicode.cpp | This contains simple tools for indexing with UTF8 characters swiftly |
   unicode.h | This contains simple tools for indexing with UTF8 characters swiftly |
   vector2.cpp | |
   vector2.h | |
   vector3.cpp | |
   vector3.h | |
   world.cpp | |
   world.h | |
   worldmanager.cpp | |
   worldmanager.h | |
   worldobject.cpp | |
   worldobject.h | |
   worldproxy.cpp | |
   worldproxy.h | |
   worldtrigger.cpp | |
   worldtrigger.h | |