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Classes | Enumerations
Mezzanine::Graphics Namespace Reference

This namespace is for all the classes belonging to the Graphics Subsystem. More...


class  Billboard
 This is the proxy class for placing and manipulating a set of 2D billboards in the scene. More...
class  BillboardSetProxy
 This is the proxy class for placing and manipulating a set of 2D billboards in the scene. More...
class  Bone
 This class encapsulates the bones contained in a skeleton used for animation. More...
class  CameraManager
 This is the manager class for all camera functions. More...
class  CameraProxy
 This is the proxy class for placing and manipulating a camera in the scene. More...
class  DefaultCameraManagerFactory
 A factory responsible for the creation and destruction of the default cameramanager. More...
class  DefaultGraphicsManagerFactory
 A factory responsible for the creation and destruction of the default graphicsmanager. More...
class  DefaultMeshManagerFactory
 A factory responsible for the creation and destruction of the default meshmanager. More...
class  DefaultSceneManagerFactory
 A factory responsible for the creation and destruction of the default scenemanager. More...
class  EntityProxy
 This is the proxy class for placing and manipulating a mesh in the scene. More...
class  GameWindow
 This class is for creating and managing game windows. More...
class  GraphicsManager
 This is intended to store basic graphics setting for the user. More...
class  InternalMaterialData
 This class is used to store the internal structures needed by the Material class. More...
class  InternalMeshData
 This class is used to store the internal structures needed by the Mesh class. More...
class  InternalSkeletonData
 This class is used to store the internal structures needed by the Skeleton class. More...
class  InternalTextureData
 This class is used to store the internal structures needed by the Texture class. More...
class  LightProxy
 This is the proxy class for placing and manipulating lighting in the scene. More...
class  Material
 This class represents all the rendering passes a rendered object has. More...
class  Mesh
 This class is used to check and modify the properties of a graphics mesh. More...
class  MeshManager
 This manager handles the storage, generation, and query of of Graphics Meshes. More...
class  ParticleAffector
 This class defines how particles of a given particle effect behave during their lifetime. More...
class  ParticleEmitter
 This class defines how particles of a given particle effect spawn. More...
class  ParticleSystemProxy
 This is the proxy class for placing and manipulating particles in the scene. More...
class  Pass
 This class represents one rendering pass for a graphics object. More...
class  RenderableProxy
 This is the base proxy class for world proxies wrapping functionality of the graphics subsystem. More...
class  RenderWorkUnit
 This does the main loop processing for required to make the Graphics Manager function. More...
class  SceneManager
 This class contains utilities and functions to allow the manipulation of the Graphical scene, rather then the physics inside, or the object inside. More...
class  SceneManagerData
 Stores internal data for the SCeneManager to keep it from cluttering the Header file. More...
class  Skeleton
 This class encapsulates the Skeletal animation functionality of a Mesh. More...
class  SubMesh
 This class represents a sub-section of an overall mesh. More...
class  Technique
 This class represents a collection of passes an object has for it's rendering. More...
class  Texture
 This class represents a texture loaded into memory. More...
class  Viewport
 This class is for creating and managing viewports within a game window. More...


enum  AspectRatio {
  AR_3_By_2 = 1, AR_4_By_3 = 2, AR_5_By_3 = 3, AR_5_By_4 = 4,
  AR_8_By_5 = 5, AR_16_By_9 = 6, AR_17_By_9 = 7, AR_1_85_By_1 = 8,
  AR_2_39_By_1 = 9
 This is used primarily by the GraphicsManager to keep track of the supported and currently used aspect ratios. More...
enum  BillboardOrigin {
  BBO_Top_Left, BBO_Top_Center, BBO_Top_Right, BBO_Center_Left,
  BBO_Center, BBO_Center_Right, BBO_Bottom_Left, BBO_Bottom_Center,
 This is used by the BillboardSetProxy to describe which part of the billboard will be treated as the local origin for placement and rotation. More...
enum  BillboardRotation { BBR_Vertex, BBR_TexureCoord }
 This is used by the BillboardSetProxy to decide how billboards should be rotated when they are requested to rotate. More...
enum  BillboardType {
  BBT_Point, BBT_Oriented_Common, BBT_Oriented_Self, BBT_Perpendicular_Common,
 This is used by BillboardSetProxies to describe how the billboards are to be oriented. More...
enum  CameraPolyMode { CPM_Points = 1, CPM_WireFrame = 2, CPM_Solid = 3 }
 This is used by CameraProxies to quickly set a different render mode that is useful for debugging graphics renders. More...
enum  LightType { LT_Directional = 0, LT_Point = 1, LT_Spotlight = 2 }
 This is used by LightProxies to describe how light is emitted from the proxy source. More...
enum  OrientationMode {
  OM_Degree_0 = 0, OM_Degree_90 = 1, OM_Degree_180 = 2, OM_Degree_270 = 3,
  OM_Portrait = OM_Degree_0, OM_LandscapeRight = OM_Degree_90, OM_LandscapeLeft = OM_Degree_270
enum  ProjectionType { PT_Orthographic = 0, PT_Perspective = 1 }
 Values for storing how perspective should be interpretted. More...
enum  RenderSystem {
  RS_Invalid = 0, RS_DirectX9 = 1, RS_DirectX10 = 2, RS_DirectX11 = 3,
  RS_OpenGL2 = 4, RS_OpenGL3 = 5, RS_OpenGL4 = 6, RS_OpenGLES1 = 7,
  RS_OpenGLES2 = 8
 Used primarily by the graphics manager class during initialization. More...

Detailed Description

This namespace is for all the classes belonging to the Graphics Subsystem.

Our Graphics system uses Ogre for all of Mezzanine's graphical/visual needs.

Enumeration Type Documentation

This is used primarily by the GraphicsManager to keep track of the supported and currently used aspect ratios.



















Definition at line 52 of file graphicsenumerations.h.

This is used by the BillboardSetProxy to describe which part of the billboard will be treated as the local origin for placement and rotation.


Position/Rotate around the Top-Left corner of the billboard.


Position/Rotate around the Top-Center of the billboard.


Position/Rotate around the Top-Right corner of the billboard.


Position/Rotate around the Center-Left side of the billboard.


Position/Rotate around the Center of the billboard.


Position/Rotate around the Center-Right side of the billboard.


Position/Rotate around the Bottom-Left corner of the billboard.


Position/Rotate around the Bottom-Center of the billboard.


Position/Rotate around the Bottom-Right corner of the billboard.

Definition at line 67 of file graphicsenumerations.h.

This is used by the BillboardSetProxy to decide how billboards should be rotated when they are requested to rotate.


Rotates the vertices of the billboard when rotated.


Rotates the texture coordinates of the billboard when rotated, preserving the vertex positions.

Definition at line 82 of file graphicsenumerations.h.

This is used by BillboardSetProxies to describe how the billboards are to be oriented.


Default setting. Billboard direction always faces the camera and is always oriented to be upright.


Billboards are oriented around a common axis provided to the BillboardSetProxy, which will act as their local Y axis. Common Direction needs to be defined for this setting.


Billboards are oriented around their own individually set direction axis, which will act as their local Y axis.


Billboards are oriented around a common axis provided to the BillboardSetProxy, which will act as their local Z axis. Common Direction and Common Up Vector needs to be defined for this setting.


Billboards are oriented around their own individually set direction axis, which will act as their local Z axis. Common Up Vector needs to be defined for this setting.

Definition at line 90 of file graphicsenumerations.h.

This is used by CameraProxies to quickly set a different render mode that is useful for debugging graphics renders.


Only points for each of the vertices are rendered.


Wireframes for all the meshes and geometry are rendered.


Normal rendering.

Definition at line 101 of file graphicsenumerations.h.

This is used by LightProxies to describe how light is emitted from the proxy source.


From one direction, like sunlight.


From a point in space, like a Torch, campfire, muzzle flash, Mutant Fireflies, bonfires, light bulbs, non-hooded lantern, the DnD D20 Light spell, explosions, and scotch tape separating from the roll in a unlit vacuum. There may be other uses, be creative.


From a point emanating in a cone, like a flashlight, hooded lantern, really bright computer screens, flood lights, older style space heaters, Concert lights, camera flashes, etc...

Definition at line 110 of file graphicsenumerations.h.

Values for storing how perspective should be interpretted.


No projection is used, objects appear to be flat.


Normal (realistic) perspective.

Definition at line 133 of file graphicsenumerations.h.

Used primarily by the graphics manager class during initialization.

This enum specifies which Rendersystem is to be used for rendering.

Definition at line 142 of file graphicsenumerations.h.